241 Kings Rd.
C c N
Tuesday 3rd Dec/40
Dear Elij & Annie,
Your letter to hand also the calendar, many thanks. Glad to hear you are enjoying better health since your hospital experience and that all is well at your end of the universe.
You will be relieved to hear that we are safe and sound up to now, despite the terrible times we are living under, what with Blackout, Syrens, Bombs, and Guns "we dunno where we are". I suppose you will read all about what is happening in Britain in your newspapers. Nearly every night Jerry planes are overhead, sometimes we get a short turn, some nights he comes over several times. Picture to yourself, the syren goes off, everyone jumps too, dash in their shelters, if they have one, then when he passes over, dropping a bomb or two, "all clear" signal is given. You go back to bed then he decides to return with the result you have to "Ditto Repeatto". When he passes near us, the gun barrage goes off and the house rocks again. You think the blooming house is coming on top of you. We had a nine hours "Blitz: last week, about three weeks ago a large bomb dropped about 200 to 300 yds away from our house and failed to go off, they left it for four days, then drew it's fangs and removed it, we were thankful when they removed it. It is common for delayed action bombs to explode days after it has been dropped. All this happen in the night time. We don't trouble about Jerry's planes in the daytime, it is all reconnaissance flying, rarely day bombing goes on in our way, but they have a rotten time in the South & London day & night.
You will be pleased to hear all our people are safe up to now. Edna was in Sale last week, with the exception of colds, Harriet and George are well. Joe Jackson is improving wonderfully but I don't think he has got back to business. Brother Joe is well or Harriet would have mentioned it to Edna. So all the "Best of Luck" to you and yours for the New Year. Excuse writing, paper is bad write on will write you again before long & let you know how things are.
(please note, no queueing up for food as we did in the last war)